Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ramblings From a Bad Day

Can I just say, today was awful! :( It seems like I fought with everybody today. Some of it got resolved but some of it didn't. Last year was really the worst of my entire life. I went through things I wouldn't wish on anyone. But I've learned a lot and I think I've come to the place where I wouldn't trade those experiences. Which is huge growth for me. I've always had a problem with regret and wishing that I could turn back time and change things. But I've changed. I know that I am a stronger, more confident, and closer to God than ever before.
So back to today, I learned that the best thing for me to do after running into a rough spot is to start singing praise songs. It really helped me to get my focus back in the right place. I just think about how much God has done for me, and how He has never handed me more than I can handle. And when I need Him to, He carries me. Today I needed Him to, and He did. Right away. I figured out that the reason sometimes it takes so long to feel my burden lighten is that it takes me so long to turn to God. It's funny, sometimes I give friends verses to encourage them and it turns out to encourage me. The one I had sent today ended up coming to my mind as I needed it, maybe more than this person did! One of the verses of the passage was "cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you." It's amazing how God uses the thing that we're trying to do for other people to help us. In fact, service always helps us. Whenever I am actively involved in a ministry or service it gets my focus off of myself and my problems and onto loving the person or people I'm serving. Suddenly it puts everything into perspective. I love how God's model for how to live our lives is actually the way that we best function. It's not a matter of Him taking away our problems when we serve or have our lives in line, it's the fact that we have the tools to handle whatever comes our way. Such as the ability to not blow things out of proportion when we are caring for others, or the grace to forgive people when we're truly focusing on how we've been forgiven so much. So even though today was pretty rough, I learned once again how to lean on God. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Sorry this post is a little rambling...that's what happens when I write stream of consciousness style. :)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you had started a blog until you left that comment on mine today. I love blogging! It's been a wonderful outlet for me! I'm excited to read your thoughts on here and I hope you find it as rewarding as I have. :)
